Exquisite Health

With the Option of Wealth

Starting With YOU!

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted,
 wealth is useless, and reason is powerless"
Herophillies, Ancient Greek Philosopher-Scientist


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Stay Well for a Lifetime:

Practice Illness Prevention

The USANA Vitamins and Minerals are the Rolls Royce of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements


These Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Are Made with the Right Ingredients, the Right Amounts, the Right Balance, the Right Forms, the Right Manufacturing

They are Pharmaceutical Grade Giving the Potency You Need to Feel the Difference in your Health and Energy Level


Why Do We Need to Add Vitamins and Minerals to Our Diet?


Because the Earth's Soils Have Been Misused and Abused and Depleted of their Nutrients


Especially Here in the United States with the Highest Soil Nutrient Depletion


The USANA Fomulas Are Able to Offset the Malnutrition We Are All Experiencing in the World 

By Delivering Vitamins and Minerals Right into the Cells Themselves


Which is Why You Will Feel the Difference to Your Energy Level and General Well Being in a Short Amount of Time

Here is a Genuine Vision:

"I dream of a world free from pain and suffering.  I dream of a world free from disease.  The USANA family will be the healthiest family on Earth. 


"Share my vision.  Love life, and live it to its fullest in happiness and health"

Dr Myron Wentz

Dr Myron Wentz
is a world-renowned microbiologist, immunologist and pioneer in cell-culture technology.

He is also the  Inventor and Founder of USANA ("True Health") Nutritionals

Prevention is Better Than Cure
Turn Yourself Away from:

Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis and Obesity

Health Going Forward:

It's Not About Diagnosing Disease, It's About Maintaining Health



Small Business Owners

Link Strong for Life for Guaranteed




The Reach Out to Muslims!


*The Shariah Way*

Shariah in its ancient roots means the "path to the water hole,"
 or the natural, and non-harmful, replenishing
 way on God's path for continuous
 abundance and blessings!

Available to All!

Get Back Your Life


The Opportunity of Your Life Time:  Freedom & Independence

Be Your Own King
Health + Wealth

Contact Our Gold Star 7 Health Strong Network

  on the Best Way Forward for Your Exquisite Health
 and the Fast Track to Early Retirement!

Fill in Your Blanks!

Value Your Health


Why Everyone Needs Multi-Vitamins and Minerals in Their Lives:

(1) The Earth's Soils Have Been Misused and Abused
 and Depleted of Their Nutrients

* The United States Has the Highest Soil Nutrient Depletion

* Vitamins Do Not Work Without Minerals!

(2) There is a Widespread and Increasing Deficiency of
 Vitamin D in World Populations


People Need This Vitamin's Extra Boost in
 the Age of Disease and Flu

(3)  We Also Need Another Choice to Vaccines

* Vaccines and Autism in Children

 (4) Food Processing Through Irradiation Damages the Quality of Food

(5) The Spread of Artificially Created, Genetically Engineered
 "Food" Damages Health


The Whole Planet is Essentially in a Health Crisis

The Bottom Line is that We Are Not Getting the
 Nutrients to Keep our Minds and our Bodies Healthy Anymore

We All Are Constantly in a Disease or Near Disease State

Illness and Expensive Medical Treatments Are What
We All Would Like to Avoid



The Solution is to Do What We Can All Immediately Do in Our Lives:

We Can Put the Nutrients Back into the Food we Eat through the
 Vitamins and Minerals so that We May Experience:

* Good Health

* More Energy

* Become Less Stressful

* Boost Immunity

* Feel Good Again

* Slow Down and Even Reverse the Effects of Aging

* Prevent Illness

And Prevention of Illness is the Best Health Insurance

Profile of the USANA Essentials

However, Not All Vitamins and Minerals are Created the Same

To Bring Health Back into Your Life


 the USANA Brand are the Complete Scientific Cellular Nutritionals

*The Right Ingredients *The Right Amounts *The Right Balance
 *The Right Forms *The Right Manufacturing

They are Mega Antioxidant Vitamins and Chelated Minerals:

Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins and Minerals for
 a New Level of Energy and Life
Putting Nature Back into Your Life

Start a New Track with Us for the Best  Comprehensive NATURAL Protection
 Available Against All Infections, Disease and Cancer

Contact Our Gold Star 7 Health Strong Network

for Strategic Health & Wealth Planning

~~ Start Looking After Your Future NOW~~

Heaven is Not Far if You Follow the Right Track with Us!

And Everything Will Come Your Way!





Illness prevention is simply about warding off disease.

It is a process and practice of making small regular decisions and taking positive action on health, diet, exercise and lifestyle.

These actions give your body the best chance of remaining free from disease.

* * *

Start Thinking for Yourself Take Responsibility for Your Own Health Choices

Read All Food & Water Labels

Avoid These Things to Keep Your Mind and Body Safe

Radiation and You

"Red Sox Irradiated Their Own,  Which Put Me to Thinking" by J. Speer-Williams

What You Should Know About Wireless Technology and Cell Phones

Cell Phone and Cancer

Swiss Findings

Wireless Technology (1)

Wireless Technology (2)

Wireless Technology (3)

Minimize the Damage

12 Basic Precautions

* * *

Stroke Identification

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough if you don't know the symptoms.


How to Save a Life — Recognize Stroke Symptoms



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